Sports and Gambling: Happy Partnership or Unhealthy Relationship

Photo Illustration by Kathleen Fox
Gambling is becoming more of an important issue as many states pass measures allowing for casinos, racetracks and lotteries. One of the fastest growing and most controversial sectors of the gambling industry is betting on sports. Athletes in both the NBA and MLB have publicly struggled with the effects of gambling on their sport and on their reputations. Some leagues that strict policies against any form of recreational gambling while others do not have a league-wide policy.

As questions remain whether athletes and referees should be allowed to gamble on other sports, sports gambling for the fan continues to increase in popularity. Sports gambling has become another facet of casino life in Las Vegas. The newest SportsBook area, Lagasse's stadium, illustrates the future of sports gambling with its connection to high-speed technology. Illegal gambling websites have also replaced the more traditional system of sports wagering. Many fans have embraced low-stakes, recreational gambling such as NCAA Tournament brackets and fantasy sports leagues.

Journalism graduate students at the University of Memphis conducted this project and explored the issue from all sides, including interviews, data and images. If you are interested in learning more about the relationship between sports and gambling, please explore this site.

The stories, video, maps, links, fast facts and an inside look at the newest Las Vegas Sportsbook will give you an in-depth look at this controversial issue.
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